Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Hey AP News - THIS is a black Mudi

Good Grief, where the heck did they get the photo of a 'black Mudi" for this article?



I tried numerous times and ways to leave a comment to the newstimes article, however their system is less than cooperative, perhaps intentionally if this is the quality of articles they publish.

I realize the Mudi is not a well known breed, however the picture of the 'black Mudi' used for this article (photo above) is firstly not a black Mudi, the color of the dog in the picture is ash/blue/dilute, not black. Second that is anything but a purebred Mudi due to the not pricked ears (adult Mudis have pricked ears and this is clearly not a puppy), furry face (should be short fur on the face) and long fur on leg fronts (should be short fur on leg fronts).

The correct plural for Mudi when speaking English is Mudis or Mudi's, it is not ever mudik as that is the plural when speaking Hungarian, not English. And we capitalize proper nouns in English as well, but that would still not make Mudik correct.

THIS is a black Mudi:

These are MUDIS: