

Hip Dysplasia (HD), Elbow Dysplasia (ED), Patella Luxation (PL), Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) and Spinal Anomalies (SA): all have genetic and environmental connections; currently used screening methods, performed prior to breeding, can help to prevent further spread of responsible genes into the population and possibly the worsening of orthopedic issue symptoms in the Mudi; age of screening depends on each countries official orthopedic associations guidelines, it is usually done between 1-2 years of age.

Hip Dysplasia (HD) is the second most commonly seen orthopedic problem; fortunately the Mudi is not a heavy weight breed which means that symptomatic dogs are very rarely seen; however this does not mean that screening should not be done. 

Coming soon: HD in the Mudi, statistics and overview of its occurrence in the Mudi breed, with associated information links.

Elbow Dysplasia (ED) is the third most commonly seen ortho problem in the Mudi; it was almost never seen upon screening and symptomatic dogs were basically unheard of 20 years ago; screening needs to be done on every Mudi, especially those used in breeding. For more information about ED occurrence in the Mudi:

Mudi Directions Post, July 2021: Until It Was, The Rise of Elbow Dysplasia in the Mudi

Patella Luxation (PL) is the most common ortho problem seen in the Mudi; surgery has been necessary in more than 10 cases; screening is necessary to determine patella health and it is the easiest ortho exam to perform by a qualified vet, anesthesia is not required; every Mudi used in breeding needs to have a patella exam at 1-2 years of age; it would be very helpful if every Mudi owner could get their Mudis patellas officially examined.

Coming soon: PL in the Mudi, statistics and overview of its occurrence in the Mudi breed, with associated information links.

Spinal Anomalies (SA) are the newest orthopedic problems occurring in the Mudi; vertebral anomalies and spondylosis are being seen at an increasing rate.  Spinal screening should be performed on every Mudi used for breeding as well as those used for sports or work purposes.

Coming soon: SA in the Mudi, statistics and overview of its occurrence in the Mudi breed, with associated information links.

Shoulder Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) / Shoulder Dysplasia (SD) has not occurred in the Mudi breed to my knowledge, that of course does not mean that it is not present, or could not become a problem in the future, as ED has shown is possible. Shoulder screening is therefore recommended.

For more OCD / SD information: