
Most Commonly Occurring 
Reproduction Issues in the Mudi

Missing testicles, Cryptorchidism: a condition in which one (monorchid) or both testicles (bilateral cryptorchid) of your dog fail to descend into its scrotum; there is strong genetic evidence in dogs, as well as in the Mudi breed;  it does seem occur in some family lines more than others; affected dogs should not be bred; close relatives should not be bred with other mates that also carry this same risk; genetic risk is carried by males and females, with those dogs having an affected sibling having higher risk to also carry the genes responsible.

More detailed information will be available in a future Mudi Directions post.

Links for more info:

Reproductive Issues: affect both male and female Mudis; they include infertility; reproductive organ tumors, cysts and prolapse; difficult and irregular heat cycles; pyometra

Links for more info:

(Last Update: February 2022)