Paroxysmal Dyskinesia


Paroxysmal Dyskinesia has been reported to have occurred in several related and unrelated Mudis recently.  PD is an episodic movement disorder that may be a form of focal motor seizure. This disorder has also been called atypical epilepsy, paroxysmal dyskinesia or episodic dyskinesia.  Some affected dogs also develop classical generalized seizures later in life. 

Whether this is an early or less severe form of the already seen Idiopathic Epilepsy known to exist in the Mudi, or this is a new disease, is unknown at this time, therefore the risk scores will include risk for PD separately.  

However, it should be kept in mind that this may well be the same IE currently present in the Mudi, or directly related to it, which means the scores may not actually be independent of each other, but rather the presence of PD on a pedigree may increase the risk for IE.

Current research for Paroxysmal Dyskinesia:

For more information about Paroxysmal Dyskinesia:

For more information about Idiopathic Epilepsy:

(Last update: January 2024)

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